Is a $400 Booze-filled Piñata from NIPYATA! the Worst Gift of All Time? Or maybe the best?

Is a $400 Booze-filled Piñata from NIPYATA! the Worst Gift of All Time? Or maybe the best?

NIPYATA! just released their most luxurious product yet- the Bad and Boujee NIPYATA! with 50 Premium Nips inside!

For a mere $399.99 this beauty can be yours.  Here are the FAQ on this beast of a gift.

Is this thing really worth $399???!! 

Sure, $399 seems like a pretty penny. But when you factor in that it'll probably cost NIPYATA! $150 to ship this behemoth, those idiots are under water on the product and you're getting a serious deal. And you'll instantly become the most desirable person at your Holiday Party, Birthday Party, Bah-mitzvah, House Warming Party or Family Christmas Weekend at home. Huge win. Huge value.

Will people think I'm a total douche if I spend $400 on a booze piñata?

Yes, many people will think you're a royal douche. But you probably don't want to be friends with those people anyway. You're the guy or gal handing out 50 nips of booze. You. Are. The. Man. or. Woman. People will love you. And you will enter nirvana.


Is this a practical gift?

No. Not even close. However, the nips will last all weekend long while you're home for the Holidays. Nips are perfect during that anxious Xmas Morning present opening session when you realize you don't have any gifts left to open and you're bored to death of your family. Drink up 'best gift of xmas' winner. Here's to you.

Will my wife or husband like this gift?

Let's face it. This is a gift for you. Nobody else. Your husband will think you bought him a new 50" flat screen. The disappointment on his face when he opens it up to find a ridiculously large pinata with 100 nips inside. That, my friend, is priceless.